Member News

November 18, 2013

3 Presidents of Student Baseball Meet Guests from Taiwan in Tokyo

44th Meiji Jingu National Championship Games Start on November 16

Richard Lin, Secretary General of Chinese Taipei Baseball Association and Chris Day, CTBA International Division, met Eiji Hatta, Baseball Federation of Japan, Hideitsu Ohashi, All-Japan University Baseball Federation, Takayasu Okushima, Japan High School Baseball Federation in Tokyo on November 15 to further strengthen their ties and exchange ideas to promote international baseball of college and high school.

The two representative of CTBA are the guests of Meiji Jingu (Shrine) Baseball Organizing Committee who hosts the 44th Meiji Jingu National Championships in association with Japan Student Baseball Association.


Day 1 November 16  Hachinohe Gakuin Univ. – Fukuoka Univ., Kinki Univ Faculty of Engineering – Jobu Univ, Kansei Gakuin Univ – Chubu Gakuin Univ

Day 2 November 17  Dohto Univ – Meiji Univ, Asia Univ – Winner of Hachinohe Gakuin and Fukuoka

Day 3 November 18  Osaka Univ of Commerce – Winner of Kinki Univ Faculty of Engineering and Jobu, Winner of Kansei Gakuin Univ and Chubu Gakuin Univ. – Toin Yokohama Univ.

(High School)

Day 1 Heian High School affiliated with Ryukoku Univ – Mie High School,  Kanto Daiichi High School – Okinawa Shogaku High School

Day 2 Novembe 17  Imabari Nishi High School – Hachinohe Gakuin Kosei High School, AshikagaHigh School affiliated with Hakuoh Univ. – Iwakuni High School

Day 3  November 18  Nihon Bunri High School – Winner of Heian and Mie, Winner of Kanto Daiichi and Okinawa Shogaku – Tomakomai High School affiliated with Komazawa Univ.