April 30, 2021
Eiji HATTA (72), President of Japan High School Baseball Federation (JHBF) indicated his intention to retire from the office this fall at its Board Meeting on April 28, after, serving 6 years since September, 2015. During his tenure, he managed the Federation by stressing compatibility of studies and sports, hosted a number of events and challenges of the Federation successfully, such as the 100th Anniversary of National Championship, prevention of disability, heatstroke and COVID-19. He serves as Chancellor of Doshisha University and President of Japan Student Baseball Association.
At the same Board Meeting, Kazuhiro TANABE (75), a Board member and former Secretary General, retired after serving the large establishment for 53 years and 5 Presidents. His contribution to solve numerous issues over the years include: metal bat standard, athletic scholarship, revision of the Student Baseball Charter, restoration of amateur status of professional players, the ball count, revision of Senbatsu National championship, limiting pitch count, etc. He initiated the Federation to publish “70 Years’ History of Japan High School Baseball Federation”
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