Member News

September 30, 2013

High School Teams of Pakistan and Japan play friendly games in Tokyo

By Baseball Federation of Japan

Barely after 12 hours’ overnight trip from Lahore to Tokyo via Bangkok on the day before, 14 high school baseball players selected from 50+ high schools in Pakistan led by Syed Khawar Shah, fully enjoyed a friendly game and joint training session with Kosei Gakuen High School team in Tokyo on Saturday, September 28, 2013.

Kosei Gakuen High School excels both in academics and sports, extended whole-hearted welcome to the visitors from West Asia and the School’s principal Sinkichi Enami threw ceremonial first ball at the School’s baseball ground. After the short friendly game, both teams split into two groups each, one of each joining in the other team’s split half and the “scrambled” teams played another friendly short game.  Khawar Shah said “We are here not to win but to learn so that the young players from Pakistan may share their experience with friends back home.”

Team Pakistan is scheduled to play Metropolitan Sohgo Kohka High School on Sunday.