BFA News

August 27, 2014

BFA 12U Baseball Championship opens in Manila, Philippine

6 teams from Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippine and Singapore

BFA 12U has game on in this moring, the first game is Japan match Indonesia and final score is 20 : 0. It early ended in 3 and half ining. Due to 2 days raining this week, finaly have great weather here. Hence, the opening ceremony had great scuuessful!

Philippine Amataur Baseball Association have invited the Chairman of the committee on games and amusement & sports, Mr. Honorable Senator Sonny Angara, President of Philippine Olympic Committee, Mr. Jose Cojuangco JR., Chairman of Philippine Sports Commission, Mr. Ricardo Garcia, PSC Commissioner in charge of baseball, Mr. Jose Luis Gomez, PABA President, Mr. Marty Eizmemdi and also the Secretary General of BFA, Mr. Lin Hua Wei. Many press came for reported not only locals but also international.

Due to the weather issue, BFA have change the game schedul earlier, please find attached or check the Results and Schedule for new game schedule and final score on our website.

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